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INCLUSIVE CAIRNGORMS Minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2010 at 11.00am In the Community Hall, Boat of Garten Present: Jim Brown (Chair) Blackrock Productions Anne MacLean RNIB Elspeth Grant CNPA Eric Baird CNPA Board Member Claire Ross CNPA Ivor Souter Highland Council Kevin Hutchens Aberdeenshire Council Hector MacDonald SDEF Morag Redwood (vice chair) Highlands & Islands Equality Forum Stuart Robertson Aberdeenshire Council Alasdair Johnston Aberdeen City Council Liz Scott Highlands and Islands Enterprise Louise Nowell Scottish Youth Hostel Association Tommy Bishop Deaf Awareness Katie Eardley Scottish Natural Heritage Jenny Macrae Scottish Natural Heritage Carolyn Cornfield Caberfeidh Horizons Elspeth Kennedy Highland Disabled Ramblers Martin Rodgers Highland Disabled Ramblers Jock Hutcheson Horseback UK Fran Pothecary CNPA Alison Lax CNPA Karen Archer CNPA Kenny Taylor CNPA Apologies: Anne Howe Badenoch & Strathspey Community Care Forum Kate Christie CNPA Jamie Shearer Big Issue Scotland Jackie Cropper Grand Central Savings Sheila Fletcher Community Transport Association Frances Powell Women@Work Project Les Allan Aberdeenshire Council Victoria Fuller Volunteering Highland Simon Jeffrey HC Community Learning and Development Ken MacMillan STUC Lewis Thomson B&S Community Transport Co Rachel Strachan Capability Scotland Karen Thomas Aberdeenshire CLD Welcome and Introduction 1. Jim Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting and the apologies were noted. Minutes of the Last Meeting 2. The adoption of the minutes of the last meeting held on 26 Nov 2009 were proposed by Kevin Hutchens and seconded by Tommy Bishop, subject to an amendment to paragraph 21, bullet 4 which should read ÔÉ.to include people with mental health and learning disabilitiesÉÕ. Matters Arising from the Minutes 3. Ref para 3, the provision of a video clip to Aberdeenshire offices has not proceeded, as there is a cost involved. 4. Ref para 7, Vicky Hilton of Glenlivet Estate had agreed to present at next IC meeting. 5. Ref para 8, Eric noted that he had given a similar presentation to the Cairngorms Rangers Forum in December. 6. Ref para 17, EG had consulted with planning team to clarify when to involve IC in planning applications. It was suggested that IC are consulted on applications that relate to public buildings, facilities, services or larger housing developments. It was also felt useful to focus ICÕs response on CNPAÕs three inclusion areas of young people, people with disabilities and people on low incomes. 7. Ref para 23, it was clarified that Grand Central Savings had received funding for the whole of Scotland, and part of that money was allocated to the North East. Jackie Cropper will update at a future IC meeting. 8. Ref para 24, EG had discussed with the Grants Programme Manager the proposals for IC to screen grant applications. It had been suggested that rather than form a sub-group which had been previously suggested, a more effective way would be to make changes to the application form so that equality considerations are teased out in all applications. It was agreed that EG / Grants team would draft changes to the application form and discuss these with IC at the next meeting. Action EG Presentation: Louise Nowell, Scottish Youth Hostel Association 9. Louise gave a presentation on SYHAÕs inclusion activity in the Cairngorms NP. ¥ 4 hostels in the Park at Aviemore, Glenmore, Braemar and Tomintoul ¥ Affiliate hostels include Ardenbeg, Abernethy Bunkhouses, Glen Prosen ¥ Give Us a Break project for groups of young people (up to 24yrs old) at risk of social exclusion. Fully funded by Provident Financial. In last 3 years, has involved 70 groups with 1100 participants. ¥ Ministry of Defence FAB camp project for bereaved families of service personnel. 31 July Ð 7 August at Cairngorm Lodge, Glenmore. Involving 10 families, providing support to them through trained counsellors, volunteers, hostel staff, and working with Loch Morlich Watersports. ¥ Family Holiday Association Ð providing healthy break holidays for families who donÕt normally get a break. Involving a planned activity programme based around hostels. ¥ Challenges include seeking funding: they are recruiting a new Fundraising Manager; Also trying to reach groups that would benefit from Give Us A Break. Can Inclusive Cairngorms help to promote the programme to groups we work with. Action ALL ¥ Future work will include expanding the GUAB programme, seeking new funding partners, a bursary programme and summer camps at Cairngorm Lodge. ¥ Improvements to disabled access, including consideration of people with sensory impairments, will be made as part of on-going refurbishments to hostels. ¥ Evaluations of the programmes can be supplied on request. Public Duties Equality Schemes 10. Elspeth reported that the three year review of the CNPAÕs Gender Equality Scheme is due on 29 June 2010, and the Race Equality Scheme on 30 November. Focus groups are planned to discuss each of the schemes: provisionally 13 April for RES and 21 April for GES. Draft schemes thereafter, to discuss at next IC meeting. Action EG National Park Plan II and Local Development Plan 11. Claire Ross and Alison Lax reported on their work in reviewing the National Park Plan and preparing the new Local Development Plan, and how this will involve a new approach to consulting with communities. Involving knowledge and experience of local community groups to engage with communities between April and November 2010. ie VABS in Badenoch and Strathspey; REAP in Moray and Angus; Marr Area Partnership in Aberdeenshire. 12. Adhering to National Standards for Community Engagement and using this to monitor engagement. 13. Re Local Development Plan, communities are being involved much earlier in the process, eg identifying sites. Perth and Kinross included. Inclusive Cairngorms will continue to be involved. Outdoor Access 14. Fran Pothecary, CNPA Outdoor Access officer gave an update of the access work: ¥ Core Paths Plan recently adopted by CNPA Board, and implementation can now start eg sign posting, community path leaflets. Core paths will be marked on OS maps with purple lines. ¥ Signage audit being carried out. ¥ Speyside Way extension Ð consulting with B&S Access Panel, moving ahead with planning, funding and agreements. Inline with Outdoor Access Strategy, paths will be as barrier-free as possible. Young People 15. It was reported that a student from Kingussie High School had spent a day shadowing Claire as part of a Highland Youthvoice initiative, which had been a useful experience. Disability 16. It was noted that a recent article in Scottish Mountaineer had referred to the course being run by Glenmore Lodge for visually impaired people. However the cost being charged was the full rate of £430 pp and did not include a discount for this client group. It was agreed to contact Bob Kinnaird at Glenmore Lodge to find out more. Action EG 17. Aviemore to Grantown Rural Bus corridor project. Anne Maclean explained about this project which is to improve bus stop infrastructure to make it more accessible, particularly for those with disabilities. Current consultation with communities. Some comments included: carrying ramps on buses, producing Easy read guide, sponsorship in bus shelters. 18. Horseback UK. Jock Hutcheson explained about the charity he has set up in Dinnet, Aberdeenshire, to provide recovery pathways for injured military personnel, involving horses and Western riding, rehabilitation and physiotherapy. He would like to identify ways to engage with the community during the participants time there, so that they are doing something real and of benefit to the local community and environment. Contact Jock at jock@horseback.org.uk 19. Paralympics Ð people with learning disabilities are now included in some events. Low Income 20. Jim Brown reported that a Big Issue running group has been set up in East Glasgow and they would be keen to bring a group up to Cairngorms through the JogScotland network, to meet with Cairngorms Runners and try cross-country skiing. AOCB 21. BioBuzz day, 22 May. Kenny Taylor explained about this event to celebrate International Year of Biodiversity. 3 events happening in Kingussie, Grantown and Ballater with a range of activities and excursions into the countryside. Kenny asked for some feedback on how to reach people of all abilities. Comments included using all ability paths, eg in Anagach Woods, and using a sighted guide on other paths; ask people to contact organiser in advance if they have special requirements / need assistance (advance bookings will help to plan this); producing information in Easy Read. 22. Ivor Souter is putting together list of community transport schemes. Please contact Ivor if you are aware of any schemes. Disability Awareness training is being provided to transport groups in Highland. 23. Scottish Rural Equality Network virtual conference ÔRural Diversity UncorkedÕ is being held on 16 June. Conversations simultaneously running across rural Scotland. 24. Re size and diversity of new CNPA Board, Anne Maclean explained that the Commission for Public Appointments has to ensure there is a diverse range of people being reached through the application and recruitment process. This process is monitored. Date of Next meeting 25. The next meeting will be on 10 June 2010 at 11.00am at a venue to be confirmed (Lonach Hall, Strathdon). 26. The following meeting will be on 7 September 2010 at 11.00 am at a venue to be confirmed. Elspeth Grant June 2010